WoW Latest Buzz

The Latest Buzz is a resource blog for World Of Warcraft leveling,guides,wine,jewelcrafting,lock picking,characters and so much more.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Jewelcrafting in World of Warcraft

Jewelcraft is a new profession in the World of Warcraft universe. Players can forge rings, trinkets, necklaces and statues. Only those with the Burning Crusade Expansion are allowed the profession of Jewel crafting.

For the true World of Warcraft gamer you'll need a true guide.

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World of Warcraft Wine

World of Warcraft is an internet role-playing game set in the Warcraft realms. Players take on the roles of Warcraft heroes as they explore and quest through a large world. World of Warcraft is a huge game which allows thousands of players to interact together within the same world. As the adventure begins players form alliances to battle their way through.

Take a look at the latest version which shows you how to install WoW. Its also contains hyperlinks to sources and patches for the various version of wine. Earlier versions may also contain useful information, however most how to information is updated every few weeks on the latest version.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Learn to level up and get more GOLD!

There are more and more people joining the ranks of World of Warcraft every day. Nobody can get enough of this game and there are plenty of reasons why. In WoW, you can escape the realities of everyday life. Just relax, do a few dailies to make a little gold, and just have fun with friends - not a bad way to spend an evening. And as you do this, you'll naturally make gold over time.

However, there may come a time when you want to get a little more out of the time you spend in the game. There are items that cost 20,000 gold, and surely you want those items. This means that in order to get the most out of your WoW experience, you'll have to make gold as quickly as possible.

The Basics

But how do you do this? There are several things to keep in mind when trying to make gold quickly in WoW by doing dailies. You probably already know that daily quests award you with gold for completing them. And initially, in WoW, items do not cost that much gold to purchase. But eventually, the items become very expensive, especially the best of the best items you'll want to get when you hit level cap. So, you need a game plan to be able to afford all the items you want, if you want them before the end of time.

Focus on Gold

When you want to build up a stockpile of gold quickly in WoW, you have to supplement your regular activites with activities designed specifically to make you a lot of gold. Doing dailies is a great way to make a lot of gold quickly. All daily quests pay out gold when you complete them. The key is to pay attention to the amount of gold each daily rewards you with when you complete them. You should also take time into consideration when trying to make gold fast in WoW using dailies. If you can make 200 gold, but it takes you 5 hours to do it, that's not very much gold per hour. There are good ways to make a lot of gold per hour, such as optimized speed gold dailies runs.

There are guides available that will lead you step-by-step through completing speed gold dailies runs, among other cool things. Zygor's Dailies & Events Guide is one of those guides. Save up your gold from completing speed gold dailies runs every day and you'll be well on your way to making gold fast in WoW and buying those expensive items you want.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

History of World Of Warcraft

Blizzard EntertainmentImage via Wikipedia

World of Warcraft stands as the greatest game in the popular Warcraft series

World of Warcraft has been an extraordinary success since its launch in November 2004. It has impressed game critics and has captivated millions of players, who adore the world that the game has created. It is no longer just a game but is now a genuine phenomenon, and one that shows no signs of abating. It is one of the key games of recent times, and stands as a landmark title for online gaming.

World of Warcraft’s appeal lies in that it has created a truly engaging online world. This massively multiplayer online role-playing game is set in the world of Azeroth, a fantastic land that is filled with heroes and monsters and many other creatures. The game’s strength is that it functions as an experience, as a world that exists on it

World of Warcraft is the 4th title in the series of Warcraft games, which have been entertaining people for over a decade. The series began in 1994 with the game Warcraft: Orcs and Humans, a real time strategy game set in Azeroth. This was a fine title, and a good introduction to the series, but in truth the franchise was just getting started. The best was still to come.

Indeed, it wasn’t until 1995 and the release of the second game, Warcraft 2: Tides of Darkness, that the series really found its voice. Warcraft 2 was a masterpiece, and it improved on the original in every sense. The game had beautiful graphics, epic storytelling and fascinating, absorbing gameplay. The high standards of the series continued in 2002, with the release of Warcraft 3: Reign of Chaos. This was another classic and a remarkable game in its own right. The predecessors of World of Warcraft were all superb.

Blizzard Entertainment published all of the Warcraft titles, and the games attracted a huge following. When Blizzard announced that there was going to be a 4th game in the series, it was natural that people were interested. This interest intensified when it emerged that the new Warcraft title was going to be an online multiplayer game. World of Warcraft would make Azeroth more interactive and redefine it as an experience.

The fans of the series had high expectations for World of Warcraft, as it promised to be a terrific and innovative new title. Blizzard held a beta test for the game in March 2004, and gave selected players a preview. Those who played it were very impressed and it received great reviews. The anticipation for the game’s release grew stronger as 2004 went on.

World of Warcraft was officially launched in North America on Tuesday the 23rd of November 2004. It was well received by critics. The launch was a major success, and it achieved huge sales on its first day of release. Blizzard estimated that 240,000 copies were sold in the first day alone. These were record numbers for a game of this genre and so World of Warcraft became the fastest-selling online game in history. It was a smash hit.

World of Warcraft sustained this success in fact, the popularity of the game began to snowball. It really took off and caught the public imagination, with more and more people becoming enthralled with it. 2005 saw the game explode into a global obsession. In February it was launched in Europe and in June it was launched in China, with other countries following suit. It proved hugely popular everywhere it was released, and by 2005’s close it had more than five million subscribers worldwide.

World of Warcraft has evolved since its initial release. There have been a number of updates for the game, and the universe of Azeroth has grown. Blizzard have made improvements, fixed any problems, and have worked to make the game user-friendly. They have also expanded the game, by adding sections like Blackwing Lair, for example, the dungeon lair of Nefarion, one of the villains in the game.

In June 2005, Blizzard added major player versus player content in the form of two special battlegrounds, Alterac Valley and Warsong Gulch. Alterac Valley allows players to engage in battles of 40 on 40 people, while Warsong Gulch offers new challenges, like stealing your opponent’s flag from their camp. These battlegrounds are the most substantial update to World of Warcraft since it was released.

Now, in 2006, World of Warcraft is as popular as ever. An expansion, titled The Burning Crusade, is set for release this year, and should expand the world of Azeroth even further. World of Warcraft has become the pinnacle of the Warcraft series, and is a magnificent and distinctive game.

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Saturday, January 17, 2009

Playing as a Druid

In the world's blockbuster of an massively multiplayer online role playing game, World of Warcraft, there exists 2 categories of classes: dedicated classes and hybrid classes. Dedicated classes are those characters that are focused on satisfying a particular role. Hybrid classes, on the other hand, are those characters who can fulfill a variety of functions, depending on their preference as well as the needs of a given situation.

There are merely three classes which are capable of becoming hybrids: pallies, shammies, and druids.

Of these three classes, druids are the most efficient when it comes to playing diverse functions. Druids are, truth to say, so potent, it may seem that the term "hybrid" was made especially for them.

Druids, who are optimized as feral, make great tanks. In fact, when it comes to agro control, druids are only second to warriors, warriors being a focused tanking class. Even if druids cannot carry shields, they benefit from a 400% increase in armor rating once in dire bear form. Armor, stamina, defense and dodge rating are the main numbers that a tanking druid will have to work on.

Druids who are optimized as feral are also fantastic DPS characters. The physical damage they deal are merely secondary to rogues, rogues being a focused physical DPS class. Druids in cat form have common skills with rogues. Druids can stealth and ravage mobs from the back for maximum damage. The attack system is also comparable to a rogue's, with 100 energy points alloted for a variety combo strikes.

Druids who are optimized as balance are also fantastic DPS machines. In moonkin form, druids can unleash DPS like a mage, a focused spell DPS class. Though moonkins are not possessed of the mana efficiency of mages, they can utilize a skill called innervate to help them replenish their mana fast.

Druids who are optimized as restoration are very much popular these days, what with fantastic HOTs, or heals over time, they can cast. HOTs are essential in countless end game instances, and druids cast the best HOTs in the game. Because HOTs empower druids to heal a target and quickly go to the next, druids are comparable shamans when it comes to multi-target healing.

In WoW, you will inevitably have to make a choice whether you want to be a tank, a healer or a the firepower of the group in taking down mobs before they take down your party.

If you can't make a decision, well, you can always roll a druid and enjoy the sheer versatility the class does provide.

Check out these links for more wow tips, and wow leveling guides! Zygor Guides