WoW Latest Buzz

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Friday, January 9, 2009

3 Tips for World of Warcraft Beginners

WoW Tip #1 Auto-Looting - To save yourself a lot of time, Auto-Loot everything after a kill by doing a Shift + Right Click on the fallen foe.

WoW Tip #2 Multi-Questing – Do not do quests one at a time. Get as many quests as you can find before heading out. As soon as you enter a new map region, the first thing you should do is head on over to the main town and get all the quest’s you can by speaking to all the NPC's you find. Once you get the quests, head on out and start exploring and questing. If a quest seems like a big waste of time, requiring you run around from person to person for an hour or so, then abandon the quest and work on another one, it just isn’t worth you wasting all of that time.

WoW Tip #3 Solo Quests vs. Group Quests – In the World of Warcraft, there are times when it may become necessary to join a group in order to complete a quest. While joining a group will speed up your power game enormously, make sure you do it only when it’s to your advantage. In WoW, about ¾ of quests are solo quests with the remaining ¼ being group quests. Solo - If you intend to solo the group quests, it is important that you wait until your character is a few levels higher and the quest becomes green, otherwise it will be a big waste of time. Groups - Groups work well! But they must be efficient groups. Beware of joining badly organized groups, they will slow you down! A badly formed group is one that continuously dies while trying to complete a quest or it’s a group that jerks around, not getting anything accomplished. You would be far better off going solo than joining this kind of group. If you are strong at mele and have a quick way to heal yourself such as a Paladin or a Shaman, then you may be far better off going solo. For those of you who are warrior types that are strong at mele, but can't heal worth a darn, and those of you who are priests and mages who have little armor function. You are better off working in groups.

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